Contact & Submissions

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If you have questions about our zine or are interested in obtaining a copy, please send us an e-mail at one of the following addresses!

Contact Skye here

Contact Jai here

Obtain the Hardware

If you want a (free!!) paper copy of the zine, send us an email with your address and we'll get it to you right away! You can also look for it at the Vault of Midnight or Nicola's Books

Submit Your Writing/Art/Anything

Considered Harmful is taking submissions of content in any (!!) medium, writing, art, or otherwise. We would love to see anything you have made related to hacking, urban exploration, or related discliplines. If you have writing to submit, please email us with one of the emails above with a 300-600 word piece by February 18th (2021-02-18). For other works, send us a digital file containing your work, preferably in a common format (pdf, png, svg, wav, etc). Thank you for your consideration!


Please note that we will take the liberty to edit your writing if we need to. If it's a big change, however, we will contact you first.